This IS the radio that started my collection - Midland's 13-778, the first am/ssb handheld!

I remember drooling over the ad's for this unit back in 1971, but (of course) the price was beyond my teenage pocket-book reach!

It wasn't long after the first ads ran that the unit was discontinued (to my dismay), and I never set eyes on one until one day in 1986 while visiting a friend in South houston. While rummaging around in his garage I happened across this radio, wrapping in plastic to preserve it's condition.

Naturally I tried to take this off his hands for a reasonable price, however, Don's nature is that of a Yankee Trader and we couldn't come up with an agreeable trade that suited both of us.

For 5 years we bartered, off and on, whenever I happened to stop by, and finally in 1992 a deal was made, and the Midland was mine!